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1.74 Delivering Transit Activated Corridors

1.74 Delivering Transit Activated Corridors

Project Number



Round 7


April 2020 - September 2021

Research Team

Chair, Project Steering Group

Professor Rob Adams AM
Director City Design and Projects, City of Melbourne

Project Leader

Professor Peter Newman
PhD DipES&T BSc(Hons) FTSE
Curtin University

Project Manager

Dr Mike Mouritz
BSc(Hons), PhD
Curtin University

Documents for Downloading


Article: Bushwick, S. Will Trackless Trams Gain Traction in the U.S.? Published in the Scientific American 1st March 2021.


Full Video – Delivering Transit Activated Corridors, January 2022 (09:22)

Short Summary – Delivering Transit Activated Corridors, January 2022 (06:18)

‘Transit Activated Corridors – The Context Tool Box’ with A/Prof Cheryl Desha

‘Transit Activated Corridors – 21st Century Boulevards’ with Project Leader, Professor Peter Newman

‘Transit Activated Corridors – The Perth Project’ with Project Manager and CUSP researcher, Dr Mike Mouritz

‘Transit Activated Corridors – Civic Partnership’ with Dr David Galloway and Anna Kelderman interviewed by Professor Peter Newman

‘Transit Activated Corridors – Political Partnership’ with City of Stirling mayor Mark Irwin interviewed by Professor Peter Newman about Stirling’s leadership in TT

‘Transit Activated Corridors – Place and Movement Alliances’ with Stirling Mayor Mark Irwin and CUSP researcher Marie Veusher interviewed by Professor Peter Newman

‘Transit Activated Corridors – Lessons from Melbourne’ with Project Chair, Professor Rob Adams, City of Melbourne

‘Transit Activated Corridors – Lessons from Europe’ with Barcelona based CUSP researcher, Dr Jan Scheurer

‘Transit Activated Corridors – Lessons from North America’ with Sebastian Davies-Slate, introduced and interviewed afterwards by Professor Peter Newman

‘Transit Activated Corridors – 21st Century Technology’ with Dr Jemma Green interviewed by Prof Peter Newman

‘Transit Activated Corridors – Economic Assessment’ with Dr Rohit Sharma introduced and interviewed afterwards by Professor Peter Newman

‘Transit Activated Corridors – Transport and Land Use Interactions’ with Dr James McIntosh, Director Luti Consulting. Introduced and interviewed afterwards by Professor Peter Newman


Newman P, Mouritz M, Verschuer M, Davies-Slate S, Caldera S, Desha C and Reid S (2019) “Trackless Trams and Australian Urban Fabric”. Presented at State of Australian Cities Conference, December 2019.

Caldera S, Desha C, Reid S, Newman P and Mouritz M (2020) “Principles of Design for ensuring Sustainable Urban Centres”. Paper presented at 1st Asia Pacific Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems Conference, Gold Coast, April 2020.

Caldera S, Cheryl Desha, Sacha Reid, Peter Newman, Mike Mouritz (2022) “Applying a Place Making Sustainable Centres Framework to Transit Activated Corridors in Australian cities” – Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems Link to article : (

Ndlovu, V., & Newman, P (2020) “Leapfrog Technology and How It Applies to Trackless Tram” – Published in the Journal of Transportation Technologies Link to article : (

Ndlovu V, Newman P and Sidambe M (2020) “Prioritisation and Localisation of Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs): Challenges and Opportunities for Bulawayo” – Published in the Journal of Sustainable Development Link to article : (

Newman P, Hargroves C and Conley D (2019) “Bridging the Urban Transport Infrastructure Gap – In the Context of Smart and Resilient Cities – the Role of Private Sector and Public-Private-Partnerships”. Background Paper for Twelfth Regional EST Forum in Asia. October 2019, Viet Nam, United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD)

Newman, P.; Davies-Slate, S.; Conley, D.; Hargroves, K.; Mouritz, M (2021). From TOD to TAC : Why Transport Policy Needs to Shift to Regenerating Main Road Corridors with New Transit SystemsPreprints 2021, 2021060209 (

Ndlovu, V. and Newman, P. (2021) Designing a Transit Oriented Development with a Trackless Tram System – Case Study Bulawayo. Urban Studies and Public Administration, 4(2).

Vinnet Ndlovu, Peter Newman, (2021) How Would the Trackless Tram System and Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Apply to Bulawayo?Current Urban Studies Vol.9 No.1,  February 2

Earley R and Newman P (2021) “Transport in the aftermath of covid-19: lessons learned and future directions” Journal of Transportation Technologies, 10.

Sharma R and Newman P (2020) Land Value Capture Tools: Integrating Transit and Land Use through Finance to Enable Economic Value CreationModern Economy, 11, 938-964.

Newman P (2020) Cool Planning: How urban planning can mainstream responses to climate change, Cities, 103: 102651

Newman P (2020) Covid, Cities and Climate: Historical and Potential Transitions for the New Economy Urban Science 4(3), 32;

Caldera S, Cheryl Desha, Sacha Reid, Peter Newman, Mike Mouritz (2020) Principles of Design for ensuring Sustainable Urban CentresJ of SDEWES. 

This project aims to help deliver the new concept of Transit Activated Corridors (TAC’s) which are main road corridors refurbished to provide higher capacity new technology transit integrated with higher density urban regeneration and affordable housing projects. Best practice tools and case studies will be provided through a multimedia digital communication package that will be interactive and accessible to industry and government, addressing decision-makers and practitioner needs..


This research will enable delivery of projects for new TAC’s featuring innovations in corridor transit technology and integrated designs for station-precinct urban regeneration and affordable housing, through new tools and new approaches for each stage of the planning, assessment, procurement, engagement and governance of these type of  projects. To do this it will:

  1. Evaluate TAC Case Studies in Different Urban and Regional contexts. It will show how new TAC’s can be delivered to provide greater housing choice and transit opportunities  using new assumptions, models and assessment frameworks, in different parts of Australian cities and regional towns.
  2. Consider the Best Enabling Frameworks for a TAC Business Case.  It will evaluate how emerging technologies in transit, electric micro-mobility and precinct design fit into new approaches to corridor refurbishment that integrate housing and transit, such as the mobility as service paradigm (MaaS), place and movement (P&M) strategies, and Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPS). Assess new planning tools like SNAMUTS, and value uplift modelling, as well as factors such as health and well-being assessments in Cost Benefit Ratios. It will include how new tele-commuting technologies can reduce the need for travel post-COVID-19.
  3. Develop a TAC Tool Box for Professional Development. New multimedia tools (especially post-COVID-19) will be used to create communications opportunities for the new corridor and precinct technology assessments, new approaches to corridors, new models, new assessment processes and their detailed elaboration in case studies. They will be made available showing how to deliver better urban outcomes, particularly related to delivering urban regeneration (including how to deliver diverse affordable housing options) and innovative transport technologies.

Industry Outcomes

Supports development of innovation in how to create more sustainable, productive, liveable, affordable and healthy outcomes in urban form and transport systems through a new approach called Transit Activated Corridors.  Case studies involving private sector and government interests will demonstrate how to deliver these TAC’s in different parts of cities and also regional towns. It will provide a TAC Tool Box in a multimedia platform that will be available for professional development and capacity building.

Related Project

Project 1.74b – Implications for Electro-Mobility for Transport Agencies was presented at the CIB World Building Congress 2022 was held in Melbourne, Australia 27 – 30 June 2022.

CIB World Building Congress 2022

Multimedia Toolbox

Access the multimedia toolbox for this project.

Multimedia Toolbox