1.85 Enhancing the Use of Products with Recycled Contents in the Australian Construction Industry

Project Number
Round 8Date
October 2021 - June 2023Research Team
Chair, Project Steering Group
Ainsley Simpson
BSc (Hons) MBA
CEO, Infrastructure Sustainability Council (ISC)
Project Leader
Associate Professor Tayyab Maqsood
BSc MEng PhD
RMIT University
Project Manager
Dr Salman Shooshtarian
RMIT University
Documents for Downloading
Full video – Enhancing the Use of Products with Recycled Contents in the Australian Construction Industry (27 July 2023)
Academic Publications
Shooshtarian S, Maqsood T, Zaman A, Caldera S, Ryley T and Wong PSP (2024) Enhancing the Use of Products with Recycled Contents in the Australian Construction Industry. Nova Science Publishers DOI: https://doi.org/10.52305/KKEK0064
Shooshtarian S, Maqsood T, Wong PSP, Caldera S, Ryley T, Zaman A and Caceres Ruiz AAM (2023) Circular economy in action: The application of products with recycled content in construction projects: A case study approach Smart and Sustainable Built Environment. DOI: 10.1108/SASBE-08-2023-0213.
Shooshtarian S, Maqsood T, Wong PSP, Zaman A and Ryley T (2023) Utilisation of certification schemes for recycled products in the Australian building and construction sector. Smart and Sustainable Built Environment(IF: 13.4). 1-19. DOI: 10.1002/bse.3568
Zaman, A., A.M.C. Ruiz, S. Shooshtarian, T. Ryley, S. Caldera and Maqsood T (2023) Development of the circular economy design guidelines for the Australian built environment sector Sustainability 15(3): 2500. (IF: 3.9). DOI: 10.3390/su15032500
Shooshtarian S, Maqsood T, Caldera S, Ryley T and Wong PSP (2023) Development of End-Markets for Recycled Construction and Demolition Waste Resources in Australia – Nova Science Publishers (novapublishers.com) Nova Science Publishers. 261 pp. NY, US. DOI: 10.52305/PZRQ5282
Shooshtarian, S., S. Caldera, T. Ryley, T. Maqsood, A. Zaman & P.SP. Wong. 2022. The role of education in the Australian circular built environment: Analysis of educational programs and construction and demolition waste management. The 55th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association 2022 – How can Design Enhance the Quality of Life? 2-4 December. Curtin University, Perth, Australia. 548-558.
Ghafoor, S.; Shooshtarian, S.; Maqsood, T.;Wong, P.S. Assessment of Public Opposition to Construction and Demolition Waste Facilities – A Case Study in Australia Recycling 2022, 7, 62. https://doi.org/10.3390/recycling7050062
Shooshtarian, S., Maqsood, T., Caldera, S., and Ryley T. (2021) Transformation towards a circular economy in the Australian construction and demolition waste management system. Science Direct https://doi.org/10.1016/j.spc.2021.11.032
Shooshtarian, S., and Maqsood, T. (2021) Construction and Demolition Waste Management in Australia. Nova Science Publishers https://novapublishers.com/shop/construction-and-demolition-waste-management-in-australia/
‘Buildings used iron from sunken ships centuries ago. The use of recycled materials should be business as usual by now ‘The Conversation, March 2023
Shooshtarian, S., and Maqsood, T. Circular economy in the management of construction and demolition waste. Paradigm Shift The AIPM Digital Magazine, Sprint 2021
Article: Shooshtarian, S., and T. Maqsood. 2021. How does product certification help construction and demolition waste resource recovery?. 2021. The Fifth Estate
Research Snapshot
1.Industry snapshot – Identify factors influencing the use of products with recycled content (August 2022)
2.Industry snapshot – Develop a framework for an independent certification program (August 2022)
3. Industry snapshot – Development of the Circular Economy Guidelines for the Construction Industry (August 2022
4. Industry snapshot – Develop stakeholder-guided behaviour change strategies through a co-design-co-created educational program for the construction industry (August 2022)
Salman Shooshtarian delivering a training package to Main Roads WA on Improved management and use of construction and demolition waste in Australian road infrastructure (March 2023)
The project will make a significant contribution to the construction industry by enhancing the use of products with recycled content. This will ensure increased business opportunities and benefits for manufacturers of such products and achieve circular supply chain sustainability. The aim of the project is to increase the use of construction products with recycled content to make the use of them more mainstream.
The project aims to achieve the following objectives:
- Identify factors (barriers and enablers) influencing the use of products with recycled content in the construction industry in Australia and understand end-user’s perceptions about the application of these products
- Develop a framework for an independent certification program for products with recycled content and identify robust technologies to develop quality products with recycled content
- Review the issues related to “Design for No Waste” and “Design for Recycling” and contribute to the development of relevant industry guidelines
- Develop stakeholder-guided behaviour change strategies through a co-design/co-created educational program for the construction industry
Industry Outcomes
The proposed certification framework will ensure the provenance and quality of recycled products. Thus, the project will improve industry practice by bringing confidence back in the use of products with recycled content. The project will enable:
The project deliverables will:
- In-depth understanding of barriers and enablers influencing the use of products with recycled content in the construction industry
- Framework for an independent certification program for products with recycled content
- Understanding of robust technologies for processing construction waste and developing products with recycled content
- Contribution to Design for No Waste or Design for Recyclability guidelines
- Pilot tested and validated education/training program aiming at behaviour and attitudinal changes for managing construction waste on construction sites
CIB World Building Congress 2022
CIB World Building Congress 2022 was held in Melbourne, Australia 27 – 30 June 2022.
The waste regulations developed in Australian states and territories have a significant impact on the creation and stimulation of end markets for C&D waste materials. This study analysed the industry stakeholders’ perceptions of current regulations in four states of Australia: Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia and New South Wales.