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Project Fact Sheet(May 2023)

To develop a governance and procurement model that integrates public and private interests into the delivery of mid-tier transit corridors and station precincts along main road corridors, as part of the journey to net zero cities. This research will use the catalyst of mid-tier transit (especially new road-based technology) to show how planning schemes and transport strategies that are integrated can create corridors using new approaches to demonstrate net zero outcomes that engender place, mixed use, affordable housing, and regenerated communities.


The following objectives will be addressed to work towards net zero outcomes:

  1. To propose improved models for governance and procurement of Net Zero Corridors integrating transport, development and finance.
  2. To set out how the options for these can support the provision of net zero social, connected and affordable housing, connecting movement and place, and enabled by the innovations in mid-tier infrastructure and technology such as trackless trams, micro mobility and associated smart technologies.

Industry Outcomes

The key industry outcomes include:

  1. Models for pairing affordable, place-making, net zero development with mid-tier transport innovation. No model exists for integrating all these factors.
  2. Australian cities will be seen as leaders in how Net Zero Corridors using mid-tier transit and integrated Net Zero Precincts are part of how improved profitability and community benefit can be simultaneously achieved.
  3. Global audiences will be aware of the leadership role and advanced practice in net zero transport and urban fabrics

Documents for Downloading

The following documents provide additional detail regarding this current research, including project outcomes to date:


Allam, Z. Newman, P. Revising Smart Cities with Regenerative Design (2023)

Fact Sheet

Net Zero Corridors – Integrating transit with urban development


Article: Newman, P. The Fifth Estate ‘The fight against urban sprawl demands hard decisions. Do we need more “benevolent dictators” like WA’s McGowan?’ 6 June 2023

Article: Newman, P. The Fifth Estate ‘Trackless trams, land development and integrated urban futures’ 1 June 2023