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Dear Colleagues

We are now well established in our headquarters at Curtin University in Perth and excited about the growth and engagement already achieved and the further opportunities.

With WA being Australia’s zone of greatest resources and infrastructure growth, relocating the SBEnrc’s base to Curtin has increased the capability for our three applied research programs to have the greatest impact. We are now very pleased to announce a new WA partner and a new national collaboration.

Welcome to our new partner
I’m pleased to announce that Main Roads Western Australia have joined the SBEnrc as a new core member. They will now take a place on our Board and be a part of the Centre’s strategic decision making process.

Cultural change within an organisation like Main Roads WA is integral to the lifeblood of our organisation if we wish to keep on top of global environmental and business trends. The business model the SBEnrc provides for national industry and government research collaboration is one we are fundamentally attracted to. We are delighted to join with SBEnrc as a core member. Stephen Troughton, Managing Director, Main Roads WA.

Dr Keith Hampson CEO, SBEnrc and John V. McCarthy AO Chair, SBEnrc
Dr Keith Hampson CEO, SBEnrc and John V. McCarthy AO Chair, SBEnrc

Collaboration with the CRC for Low Carbon Living
I’m pleased to announce the SBEnrc is excited to announce collaboration with the recently formed CRC for Low Carbon Living. This new joint initiative will run through to late 2015 and will leverage funding from the industry, government and research partners of SBEnrc and the CRC.

This project reinforces the value to us of being a partner of the SBEnrc. Given the Western Australian State Government has a $7.5 billion budget in 2013/14 for delivery of a wide range of infrastructure projects, we are always seeking better, smarter and safer ways of doing things. Collaboration between research centres enhances the value of our investment in the SBEnrc as it enables us to achieve greater returns on our investment. Richard Mann, Executive Director (Strategic Partnerships), WA Department of Treasury.

The joint project will involve the development of three living laboratories with the NSW and Western Australian governments on land development, buildings, and main roads project tendering. An additional $300,000 from CRC for Low Carbon Living will complement our Greening the Built Environment program led by Professor Peter Newman, Curtin University.

While there are many research organisations doing good work within the Built Environment area, there is often insufficient collaboration to get a great outcome that multiplies the benefit to industry without duplicating efforts. The CRC for Low Carbon Living is trying to break this tradition by proactively seeking effective collaborations with leading researchers.  

Working on this project with the SBEnrc we believe is a great opportunity to gain significant synergies through integrating and sharing information as well as funding. We don’t want to duplicate our research as we only have limited funding and many research topics of interest in our industry. We aim to provide the maximum value to end users by engaging in more effective collaboration. Professor Deo Prasad, CEO, CRC for Low Carbon Living.

This joint project represents the first collaboration between the two national research centres and stands to provide both sets of partners with strong and tangible results. Congratulations to Charlie Hargroves, Curtin University and Deo Prasad, CRC for Low Carbon Living in turning this collaboration goal into reality.

Looking ahead, I am very optimistic about our National Research Centre’s future characterised by growth and strong industry-research engagement.

Best regards