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Dear Colleagues

At SBEnrc we seek to maintain a constant sense of renewal and relevance. We have again undertaken our process of travelling around Australia to talk to our industry partners, prospective partners and industry associations to drive forward our agenda for collaborative research.

At each workshop, industry attendees were asked to speak – to provide a summary of their industry challenges and prioritised research ideas, and the pathway for research outcomes to impact their business practices. The process was strongly weighted in favour of researchers listening – being able to benefit from hearing the business perspectives.

This initial stage of the process is now complete, and last week our Board supported five themes for our industry, government and research teams to now develop into detailed project proposals:

  1. Digital Asset Information Modelling for Housing, Buildings and Infrastructure
  2. Transitioning to Technology-enabled Transport Infrastructure
  3. Sustainable and Resilient Buildings
  4. Procurement Frameworks to Improve Delivery of Affordable Social Housing
  5. Business Case Modelling to Create Better Cities through New and Existing Transport Infrastructure

Each will be underpinned by a discrete skills and training development component to be integrated into every project.

Our challenge now is to work with core and prospective new partners to develop projects in these five themes, so we can deliver maximum impact for the Australian infrastructure and building industry.

We particularly value the input from the many industry associations that participated, including Master Builders Australia, NATSPEC Construction Information, Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia, ARRB Group, ConstructionQ, Royal Automobile Club of Western Australia, Built Environment Design Professions, Property Council of Australia, Engineers Australia and the Australian Institute of Architects.

We are now forming project development teams to work on specific projects in these themes through September and October. I welcome genuine expressions of interest from individuals representing prospective partners to contact me.

Keith named as Vice President of CIB

On an international level I’m delighted to accept the role of Vice President of the CIB, effective 1 June 2016. I can now also confirm that the SBEnrc and Curtin University will host the November 2017 CIB Global Board Meeting in Perth. To coincide, we will also host an international conference to profile research across the SBEnrc research network on 15 November 2017 in Perth. We look forward to providing further details as this is developed. Please save the date for this important research dissemination initiative in Perth.

Our latest book launched

I’m proud to announce that our latest book, Delivering Value with BIM, edited by Adriana Sanchez, Keith Hampson and Simon Vaux, was launched and endorsed by Dr Shyam Sunder, Senior Advisor to the Deputy Secretary, US Department of Commerce, at the CIB World Building Congress in Finland on 1 June 2016.

Recent awards

  1. Our Governing Board Chair John V. McCarthy AO was recognised for his international achievement at the recent CIB World Building Congress. The CIB Board acknowledged the outstanding contribution made by John for his extraordinary and long lasting support to the CIB mission to promote worldwide information exchange and cooperation in research and innovation for building and construction.
  2. I was also delighted to be presented with the Best Coordinator Award for the 2013-16 triennium, during which the CIB acknowledged my contribution in having provided innovative and inspiring scientific leadership in support to the CIB mission.
  3. The SBEnrc was recently awarded the Curtin University Research Impact and Engagement Award in recognition of the fantastic effort from our whole team in striving for excellence and impact in our industry-focused research.

Upcoming events


Best regards


Dr Keith Hampson, Chief Executive Officer
Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre
Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia

Our challenge is to continue growing the value and impact of our applied research more deeply and broadly across Australia. The Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre (SBEnrc) is acknowledged as an excellent example of a CRC that has graduated into an independent organisation delivering unique industry, government and research collaboration.


Dr Keith Hampson

John V. McCarthy AO
Chair, SBEnrc