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Dear Colleagues

It is the engagement of our partners that allows us to continue the meaningful work we are undertaking, and to disseminate the outcomes of our industry research. As we continue to grow, I would again like to thank our partners for the support they are providing us. This, combined with our successes via other funding mechanisms, is integral to our on-going success.

At our Board Dinner this month we were privileged to host Professor Alan Mackay-Sim, the 2017 Australian of the Year. In his address to the Board, Professor Mackay-Sim spoke of the importance of long term apolitical support for Australian science research. His aim during his year as Australian of the Year is to have politicians on all sides – as well as corporates and the general public – agree that consistent science policy and research funding are as important to Australia’s future as defence and health.

If you have ideas about how to achieve this, or what real outcomes might look like, please contact me and I will forward them on to Professor Mackay-Sim.

From left: Kourosh Kayvani, Alan Mackay-Sim, John V McCarthy AO and Keith Hampson

We also were pleased to welcome Kourosh Kayvani, Global Director of Excellence and Expertise at Aurecon, as a new member of the SBEnrc Board. Kourosh replaces Geoff Linke, Managing Director, Infrastructure at Aurecon, who has stepped down from the Board. I would like to personally thank Geoff for his support during his Board tenure.

New projects

In the December newsletter I announced four new projects that are now ready to commence. These industry-led projects will run from April 2017 to September 2018. These projects are:

  1. Developing a Cross Sector Digital Asset Information Model Framework for Asset Management
  2. Tech-enabled Transport: Informing the Transition to Technology-enabled Transport Vehicles and Infrastructure
  3. Resilient Buildings: Informing Maintenance for Long-term Sustainability
  4. Procuring Social & and Affordable Housing: Improving Access and& Delivery

A fifth project has now also been confirmed for partner development, Integrated Cities: Procuring Transport Infrastructure Through Integrating Transport, Land Use and Finance.

Completing projects

The following projects are near completion, and will have final industry reports and videos available on the SBEnrc website from early May. These projects have achieved excellent outcomes across housing, building and transport infrastructure as we continue to turn research into practical outcomes that benefit our industry and the broader community.

Upcoming events

Save the dateWednesday 15 November 2017. In November 2017, the SBEnrc and Curtin University will host the CIB Global Board Meeting in Perth. To coincide with this, we will also host a one-day international conference on 15 November 2017, to profile our research. More details will be provided as we finalise the program.

World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017 (WSBE17 Hong Kong), 5-7 June 2017, Hong Kong.

Chinese Research Institute of Construction Management (CRIOCM) 2017, 22nd International Conference on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate, 20–23 November 2017, Melbourne, Australia.
Best regards,

Dr Keith Hampson, Chief Executive Officer
Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre
Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia

Our challenge is to continue growing the value and impact of our applied research more deeply and broadly across Australia. The Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre (SBEnrc) is acknowledged as an exemplar of a CRC that has transitioned into an independent organisation delivering unique industry, government and research collaboration.


Dr Keith Hampson

John V. McCarthy AO
Chair, SBEnrc