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Industry consultation for industry value

In an increasingly globalised construction industry, creating stronger connections and sharing knowledge between industry and researchers nationally and internationally is critical if we are to improve economic, social and environmental outcomes.

At the Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre (SBEnrc) our vision is to be an enduring world-class research and knowledge broker in sustainable infrastructure and building design, construction and management, to enhance the performance of Australia’s built environment industry. This includes conducting applied research and delivering practical outcomes in areas spanning productivity through integrated digital modelling, construction safety and worker well-being, procurement practices, environmental sustainability and industry development.

We place great emphasis on collaboration across organisational, state and national boundaries to develop a strong and enduring innovation network. We have brought together many leading research teams and individuals across Australia and internationally over the past 20 years.

In recent years our network has told us that ongoing research in the areas of the triple bottom line (economic, social and environment) sustainability are essential if we are to secure the required productivity and industry development required in our industry over the next ten years.

We have a clear strategy in place for targeted research across these areas. Key to this is better matching funding strategies to industry needs. This will allow us to maximise the benefits of research and development (R&D) to Australia’s infrastructure and building industry, and provide benefit to public and private organisations by increasing uptake of R&D outcomes for business impact.

Critical to the success of research is the role of government, and its support of an active research leadership agenda. Our industry vitally requires the active involvement of public sector infrastructure and building agencies across all three levels of government – in providing direct funding, case studies, training opportunities and a supportive policy environment to encourage private sector participation and co-investment.

Led by Industry

The research the SBEnrc undertakes is always led by industry at the Governing Board and Project Steering Group level, working with our university partners to provide the scientific foundations and supply chain collaboration to deliver key research and skill development to benefit partner firms and the nation.

We hold regular industry development workshops around Australia to help identify new research themes and potential projects. By working closely with our partners and fresh research end users (industry and government), we are able to align future SBEnrc research activities to real industry needs through applied research.

Our most recent industry development workshops and one-on-one meetings through February 2015 in Brisbane, Townsville, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth have highlighted new initiatives in three broad themes of priority to industry. It is in these themes that our Board will consider funding for the next three years:

1. Greening the built environment
2. People, processes and procurement
3. Productivity through innovation.

Our Board uses three criteria to make decisions on research investment:

1. Benefit to industry of the investment
2. Uniqueness of the research and scientific rigour
3. Potential for impact on industry practice.

We are proud of the work we are doing at SBEnrc, and in particular of our achievements that are helping create a more competitive Australia through practical research outputs and a strong and enduring innovation network. We look forward to working with you in continuing this industry-driven collaboration.

Best regards


Dr Keith Hampson, Chief Executive Officer
Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre
Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia

Our challenge is to continue growing the value and impact of our applied research more deeply and broadly across Australia and to secure a more durable financial base for built environment research. The Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre (SBEnrc) is acknowledged as an excellent example of a CRC that has graduated into an independent organisation delivering unique industry, government and research collaboration.


Dr Keith Hampson

John V. McCarthy AO
Chair, SBEnrc