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Join us for the launch of a significant SBEnrc research report, hosted by our Core Partner Aurecon in Perth, Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne throughout October and November 2018.

Integrating transit, land development and finance

A Guide and Manual launch to deliver better infrastructure-land development outcomes

Most cities want better public transport as well as more lively, productive and sustainable centres, and most cities want to integrate this transit and land-use. But how?

This important new report from SBEnrc reflects the development of transit-land development integration globally and calls for a new model that integrates transit, finance and land development.

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Five new industry projects ready to launch

SBEnrc’s Peter Newman recognised as Scientist of the Year

We are very proud of SBEnrc’s long-standing project leader Professor Peter Newman AO, who was recently recognised at the Premier’s Science Awards as Western Australian Scientist of the Year.

Peter is a Professor of Sustainability at Curtin University with decades of globally significant research and public advocacy on the science of cities and their sustainability. He has been working with SBEnrc for nine years, leading projects around smarter and sustainable cities. Peter will lead the new project Sustainable Centres of Tomorrow: People and Place which will be launched in October. His most recent projects include:

Congratulations Peter, for this well deserved recognition.

So long, farewell, adieu

We have recently bid a fond farewell to two of SBEnrc’s longest serving collaborators and supporters as they head into retirement.

Peter Gow, (Executive Director, Building and Energy, in the WA Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS), and Carolyn Marshall, (Principal Architect, Building Research and Technical Services, in the WA Department of Finance, Building Management and Works), have made significant contributions to the centre over many years.

Peter has been a collaborative partner for more than 15 years, working with the centre from our previous iteration as the Cooperative Research Centre CRC for Construction Innovation, and continuing his support as we evolved to our current form as a National Research Centre. His leadership and advocacy on industry challenges has brought industry and government together to work on research ideas to solve issues such as sustainability, industry competitiveness, regulatory reform, workforce capability, and innovation.

Carolyn’s journey with SBEnrc began in 2009 when she took on coordination responsibilities on behalf of the WA Government and in 2011 collaborated on a SBEnrc and then ARC Linkage Project to leverage research and development for the Australian Built Environment. She has subsequently worked with us on more than a dozen projects, and has been a member of the Research and Utilisation Committee for the entire time of her involvement with the centre.

Keith Hampson, SBEnrc CEO presented Peter and Carolyn each with a certificate of appreciation to acknowledge the extraordinary service and support they have afforded the centre. We wish them both the very best as they embark on their next adventures.

Maintaining network connections

The Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre’s Governing Board traditionally holds a small senior networking dinner to coincide with its quarterly Board meeting. These events serve as an opportunity to maintain important connections and ensure SBEnrc’s research and adoption strategies are informed by industry, government and research leaders.

Upcoming events

International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB) World Building Congress 2019, Constructing Smart Cities, 17-21 June 2019, Hong Kong, China.

Best regards,

Dr Keith Hampson, Chief Executive Officer
Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre

Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia

Our challenge is to continue growing the value and impact of our applied research more deeply and broadly across Australia.  The Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre (SBEnrc) is acknowledged as an excellent example of a CRC that has graduated into an independent organisation delivering unique industry, government and research collaboration.

KeithHampsonImageDr Keith Hampson

John V. McCarthy AO
Chair, SBEnrc