3.27ARC Boosting up Productivity: Optimising Scaffolding Life Cycle Management with Virtual Design and Construction

Project Number
Round 2Date
January 2015 - December 2019Research Team
Chief Investigator
Professor Xiangyu Wang
Project Leader
Documents for Downloading
Academic Publications
A Framework Design for Optimising Scaffolding Erection by Applying Mathematical Models and Virtual Simulation, American Society of Civil Engineers (2014)
Case Studies of BIM-based Dynamic Scaffolding Design and Safety Prevention (2014)
Discrete Firefly Algorithm for Scaffolding Construction Scheduling, American Society of Civil Engineers (2016)
Last Updated: 2024-08-06 14:54:05
Australian Research Council (ARC)
Linkage Project
This project is funded partially by the Australian Government through the Australian Research Council.
SBEnrc’s research Project 3.27 Using Building Information Modelling (BIM) for Smarter and Safer Scaffolding Construction has been successful in leveraging into this ARC Linkage project.
January 2015 – December 2019
This project will innovatively integrate a decision support system, virtual design and construction, and onsite monitoring into one dynamic planning system to significantly improve construction site productivity. The emphasis is on producing optimal solutions for planning, design, erection, monitoring, dismantling and relocation of scaffolding, so that productivity is maximised subject to satisfying required cost and safety constraints.