2.24 Integrated Project Environments – Leveraging Innovation for Productivity Gain through Industry Transformation

Project Number
Round 2Date
September 2014 - June 2016Research Team
Chair, Project Steering Group
Professor Keith Hampson
BEng(Civil)(Hons) MBA PhD
Senior Research Fellow
Dr Judy Kraatz
BDesSt(Hons) BArch(Hons) PhD
Senior Research Fellow
Research Associate
Adriana Sanchez
BChem MSc (SRM)
Curtin University
Documents for Downloading
Academic Publications
Sanchez AX, Kraatz JA, Hampson KD and Loganathan S (2014) BIM for Sustainable Whole-of-life Transport Infrastructure Asset Management. Paper presented at IPWEA Sustainability in Public Works Conference, 27-29 July, Tweed Heads, Australia. Is now freely available online through the IPWEA Sustainability in Public Works Conference: https://www.ipwea.org/resources/viewdocument/?DocumentKey=8579cc84-9cb4-4a88-8065-3bf0f72aa423, the Webinar video can be found here:
Kraatz JA, Sanchez AX, Hampson KD (2014) Digital Modeling, Integrated Project Delivery and Industry Transformation: An Australian Case Study, Buildings, 4(3): 453-466
22 July 14, BIM a Transformative Enabling Technology, Engineers Australia
19 August 14, Driving Building Information Modelling (BIM) uptake, Engineers Australia
8 September 14, Milestones for Implementation of Integrated Project Environments, Engineers Australia
Public Private Partnerships: Pinnacles and Pitfalls – Future perspectives: Improving environmental, social and economic performance through Integrated Project Development, Keith Hampson (May 2015)
Last Updated: 2024-08-06 14:43:04
This research will contribute to realising productivity benefits of digital modelling and integrated project delivery for the Australian construction industry through a focus on the use of building information modelling (BIM) and virtual design and construction (VDC) in the delivery of transport infrastructure projects. This project addresses procurement, process improvement and technology required to improve BIM and VDC uptake. Data was collected through interviews in Australia and Sweden, one of the acknowledged global leaders in this field.
BIM/VDC has been identified as important emerging and transformative enabling technologies, with the potential to streamline processes throughout the constructed facility lifecycle. The Australian Productivity Commissions (2014) highlights that a more widespread adoption of BIM/VDC could enhance productivity across the industry and in turn have a significant positive impact on the Australian economy.
This research aims to: (i) inform a national strategy for the adoption of BIM/VDC, (ii) develop guidelines for new contractual frameworks and (iii) provide a strategy to reduce skill gaps especially for SMEs, within the context of Integrated Project Delivery in Australia.
Specific Objectives
- Build an understanding of the current institutional environment and business systems and support (especially skills and business capability development) which impact on the uptake of BIM/VDC in infrastructure
- Gather data to enable cross-country analysis (in particular between Australia and Sweden) of these environments
- Provide strategic and practical outcomes for implementation in the delivery of BIM/VDC on transport infrastructure projects, with spill-over benefits to the building industry.
Key Milestones
- Refine the research methodology in conjunction with industry partners to ensure practical outcomes (Apr 13 -Sep 13)
- Undertake interviews in Australia and Sweden (Nov 2013 – Apr 14)
- Analyse data gained from both countries highlighting success factors and barriers within the specific national context (Nov 13 – May 14)
- Consolidate findings for dissemination to project partners and the broader industry (May 14 – Jul 14).
Industry Outcomes
- Recommendations for ministers and policy makers to achieve a nationally consistent strategy
- Recommendations for modifications of current procurement and contractual framework to allow more collaborative and BIM-enabled project environments
- A dissemination strategy that includes providing informative material to different levels of the supply chain through our work with organisations such as CCF and EA, as well as through our partner organisations and our media resources (e.g. YouTube channel and industry publications).
Project partners are: Queensland Transport and Main Roads; New South Wales Roads and Maritime Services; Western Australia Department of Finance (Building Management and Works); Western Australia Department of Commerce (Building Commission); John Holland; Queensland University of Technology; Swinburne University of Technology; and Aalto University in Finland. This project has been endorsed by the Australian Built Environment Industry Innovation Council (BEIIC) with Council Member Professor Catherin Bull serving as this project’s Project Steering Group (PSG) Chair. The PSG comprises:
- Catherin Bull, Adjunct Professor/Emeritus Professor, QUT/University of Melbourne (Chair)
- Thomas Fussell, Managing Director/Chair, Fileon Investments/ buildingSmart BIM Programs
- Robert Row, CEO, Civil Contractor Federation (CCF) National Branch
- Keith Hampson, Chief Executive Officer, Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre (Project Leader)
- James Body, Business Development Manager, Western Region, John Holland
- Angela Heymans, Principal Sustainable Buildings Officer, Building Commission, WA Department of Commerce
- Judy Kraatz, Senior Research Fellow, Griffith University
- Carolyn Marshall, Assistant Director, WA Department of Finance, Building Management and Works
- Göran Roos, Senior Advisor/ Professor, Aalto University, Finland / Swinburne University of Technology
- Adriana Sanchez, Research Associate, Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre/Curtin University
- Allan Uhlmann, Director (Program Services), Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads
- Bruce Taggart, Construction Improvement Manager, NSW Roads and Maritime Services
- Dennis Wogan, Engineers Australia