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Moving Forward

Many of you have participated in our national industry workshop process, which enables us to identify industry research gaps. These workshops across Australia allow us to have a rapid project development gestation. The workshops we ran in August 2016 led to the commencement of five new projects in April 2017. These projects are now well underway, with the completion of the initial project steering group meetings that have aligned our industry, government and research partners around the project objectives and expected industry outcomes.

New research projects

Tech-enabled Transport

The coming decades will see a significant increase in the level of technology applied to the transport sector, both in vehicles and the infrastructure itself…

Completing projects

Concurrently, we have been finalising the communication outcomes for six recently completed projects. The final industry reports are available to read via our website, as linked below to each project. All of these projects also have a project video that you can access via our YouTube channel.

Upcoming events

We are looking forward to hosting, for the first time in WA, the International Board of the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB) in Perth during the week of 13 November 2017. On Wednesday 15 November, we will be profiling our industry research outcomes and future industry initiatives at an international symposium held at Curtin University.

The program includes international and national keynote speakers, including an outline of CIB initiatives with the SBEnrc activities. The symposium, followed by networking drinks, is free to attend; however registration is required. For information and to register your place, go to the symposium webpage.

Dr Keith Hampson, Chief Executive Officer
Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre

Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia

Our challenge is to continue growing the value and impact of our applied research more deeply and broadly across Australia.  The Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre (SBEnrc) is acknowledged as an excellent example of a CRC that has graduated into an independent organisation delivering unique industry, government and research collaboration.

KeithHampsonImageDr Keith Hampson

John V. McCarthy AO
Chair, SBEnrc